Brain InjuriesTraumatic Brain InjuryMilitary Related Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

June 3, 20210

In recent years, nearly all of us have become much more aware of the dangers and the prevalence of traumatic brain injuries. The number of people diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury has drastically increased over the last ten years. It is largely due to recent studies showing that immediate medical attention is needed even after suffering a minor blow to the head.

Studies also show traumatic brain injuries have become more and more common from soldiers returning from compact zones.

Why Are Soldiers Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injuries?

The federal government recently completed research regarding the number of military veterans who return home from combat having suffered some sort of head injury. Researchers found that 20 percent, or one out of every five soldiers, suffered a head injury while deployed.

Even more surprising was the fact that these head injuries were suffered because of explosive blasts and not necessarily because of direct blunt force trauma or collisions. Given that statistic, the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Houston is taking action by conducting intensive research on the potential long-term effects of these concussive blasts.

Military Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms

The center has already published a list of potential symptoms that soldiers returning from combat should watch out for as they return home, particularly if they have been around repeated explosions and suffered repeated ‘minor’ concussions. These symptoms include:

  • Memory loss
  • Unexplained depression
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Unexplained mood swings
  • Difficulty recognizing otherwise familiar things

The Veterans Affairs Medical Center is advising anyone who may be experiencing these symptoms to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The earlier someone receives medical help the better off they are going to be in the long run.

While there is still much to be learned about the possible costs faced by people in this position, that much is already known about those who have endured repeated blasts.

California Traumatic Brain Injury Attorneys

We have been serving clients as traumatic brain injury lawyers for decades, and we have seen the damage that can be done to a person both in the short and long term by this injury. It is painful, confusing, terrifying, and extremely stressful both for the person who has been injured and for their family and friends.

If you or someone you love has been injured in this manner because of the negligent or reckless actions of someone else, contact the Scarlett Law Group today to schedule a free initial consultation. We are here to help you get the compensation you deserve!

Contact us today at (415) 352-6264 to schedule a consultation!

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