Aviation AccidentsHow Does a Black Box Help Aviation Crash Investigators?

September 20, 20230

When an aviation crash takes place, the black box device will provide vital information to help determine the cause. Aeroplane travel is one of the most common modes of transport for millions of people all over the country. Thousands of commercial and private flights take place every week, but when a crash occurs there must be an investigation. Here’s what you need to know about the role of the black box.

Determining the Plane’s Movements

In its final moments, the plane may have driven perfectly normally or unexpectedly. By assessing the data from the black box, a crash investigator will be able to see exactly what was happening in the lead up to the crash, and the moment of impact in some cases. This box can provide facts about the speed of the plane, its direction, how much fuel it had, its altitude, and its piloting style. This is all very useful insight because it could tell the investigator essential things like whether there was extreme weather and if the pilot was behaving responsibly.

Figuring Out a Timeline

Given that so many plane crashes happen out at sea or in more remote locations, figuring out an accurate timeline during the investigation may feel impossible. However, the black box will tell crash professionals not just what happened, but when it happened as well. These timestamps enable a flight crash investigator put the pieces of the puzzle together and work out when the crash took place.

Essential Audio

The black box also has a recording feature that plays back cockpit audio for the crash team to sift through. This might not show anything useful, but it could be the key to figuring out what went wrong at the point of impact or time of the crash. The pilot may have noted a mechanical failure that they could not rectify, a sudden change in the flying conditions, and so on. Even if the pilot said nothing at all, the black box can also record audio from the plane itself, which may uncover some kind of engine sound that led to a failure.

Proving Liability

This device can also help to determine whether anyone was at fault during the aviation incident. This might be the pilot, the crew, or the airline, or even the manufacturer and engineer team back on the ground. There are lots of things that can and do go wrong with planes, and flying, while typically safe, is also highly perilous if something has been missed or neglected.

How Does the Black Box Survive?

The black box is a small device, so how does it even survive something as major as a plane crash? The way they are designed is the key to their survival. They are encased in a cylinder that can withstand extreme impact and is entirely watertight should a plane crash into the sea. If the box can be found, as sometimes this is not possible, it should be in one piece and ready to upload as soon as possible.

Why Is Finding Fault Useful?

You may be wondering, what’s the point in finding fault? When a plane crashes, there are always victims. This is true whether it was carrying passengers, cargo, or just crew. There are people on board and these people are highly unlikely to survive. For the families of the victims, this is unbearable news. It is possible to activate a Wrongful Death claim if there is someone to charge with the case, and the black box data will be a crucial piece of evidence in this proceeding.

Why Are Crash Investigations Necessary?

The same question can be asked of the crash investigation process. Why do they need to happen in the first place? The simple answer is, to find out what happened so that it can be avoided in future flights. It may be a common error in how the planes were created, which would put other journeys at risk of the same fate. It could also be a training error or a professional misstep, like a pilot suffering from mental health issues who caused the crash on purpose. The fact is, there are a hundred and one causes behind aviation accidents, and figuring out this part is a protective factor for future passengers and crew.

What Can You Do If An Aviation Crash Has Affected You Personally?

If you were a passenger on a plane, or your loved one died in a crash, then you can take legal action to aid your healing journey. Whether that looks like a Personal Injury Claim or a Wrongful Death suit, Scarlett Law is here to help.

Collect Evidence

You will need to show that you have just cause for bringing this case into action. Things like medical records, financial statements, mental health logs, and correspondence post-crash are all useful. Anything you can collect in this area will help boost your chances of a successful outcome.

Find Support

It is never easy to face life after a catastrophic event takes place, and that is why seeking support is always beneficial. You can find a group or go to individual therapy sessions but the big thing is to make sure you are taking steps to protect your mental health in every circumstance.

You will need an attorney with experience in this area if you want to see a positive outcome. It is never easy facing legal battles alone, and we understand that. The advice we can offer will help you say the right thing, represent the core facts, and receive the compensation and justice that you are seeking.

Come and visit us today and talk to our team. Our attorneys are well-versed in aviation crash law and will understand the best course of action to take for your specific circumstance. Whether you have lost a loved one, had property damaged, or been left with catastrophic injuries, there is always a way forward.

Scarlett Law Group office is found here, 536 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133

You can call now for a free consultation on (415) 352-6264

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