Can Saliva Be Used to Diagnose Concussions?

According to a peer-reviewed article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers can accurately diagnose concussions using a biomarker in saliva. This major finding can potentially aid doctors and athletic trainers in rapidly determining if athletes suffered concussions using an objective test. Scientists and doctors studied the saliva samples of more than 150...

Does a Mild TBI Cause Long-Term Impairment?

Even the most common types of accidents, such as car accidents and work injuries, can cause a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A severe TBI’s potential side effects are memory or attention loss, extreme weakness, loss of vision, and behavioral problems. However, not all TBI injuries are that severe. If you or your loved one suffered...

Can Someone Fully Recover From a TBI?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are the leading cause of disability for people under 40 years old. Individuals can suffer traumatic brain injuries from even the most common accidents, such as slips and falls, car accidents, workplace accidents, and more. If you or your loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury, you might be wondering if...

U.S. Army Will Review Discharges For Veterans Who Suffered From TBI & Other Traumas

A class-action lawsuit has forced the U.S. Army to announce it will review thousands of discharge records of veterans who have been impacted by military sexual trauma, traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other behavioral health conditions. The review was preliminarily approved on December 28, 2020, as part of a settlement reached in the...